El Brand New

El 1 Month

El 2 Months

El 3 Months
El 4 Months

Here's her stats:
Weight: 10 lbs 2 ozs (2nd %)
Length: 21 and 1/2 inches (1st %)
Head Circumference: 38 and 1/4 cm (2nd %)
As things go, it's been quite an exciting month. As you can see from the pictures, she really is filling out. El has added laughing to her bag of tricks, which will melt your heart on contact. She is really close to sitting on her own and as of 5 days ago she is a solid food eater, the first of which being avocados. I must apologize because with all my computer savvy I can't figure out how to get the videos to work on my blog. She is also rolling from front to back, another feet captured on video and waiting for the bloggesphere stars to align and allow me to post. And she really is enjoying her new found voice. She will chatter at the top of her lungs for hours on end.
Oh and one more development over the last month is that we have completely transitioned her into cloth diapers. She is finally big enough to wear them, yahoo!!! So, let the money saving and the saving of the environment begin.
Till next time,
Bon Voyage!
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