The Wanderers
“WanderingLili” began 9 and a half years ago with a post about a GIANT steak in Dallas, TX. I hoped it would be a way to keep track of all the funny things I encountered when I traveled for work. Now that my job stays a little more stationary, our little family is what continues to “wander”. 3 states, 4 cities, 3 babies, 4 vehicles, 5, homes, 3 cats, and 1 incredible journey in progress, we're still here and so full of love! We couldn't be more blessed! Whether we’re moving, having a new baby, traveling on family adventures, buying a new bed, attempting to be crafty, starting the journey to get fit, or attempting to be more fashionable, it’s our life and that’s what this blog is about. It's not always pretty or easy, but it's ours!
The Wanderior
Wandering E
Wandering M
Wandering A