Jan 5, 2011

Still 12 hours letf to win =) / My Kindle is sick =( - Baltimore, MD - January 2011

There are less than 12 hours left to sign up for the book give away. For more details check HERE.

And last night I picked up my Kindle and found this.

The screen is going out.

I do read a lot, but I didn't think it was enough to kill a Kindle. I was worried about getting it fixed because it was purchased 13 months ago and it has a 1 year warranty, but after a quick call to the Kindle support team I'm very pleased to let you know that I will be receiving a brand new Kindle at no charge. I've got to say I'm pretty impressed at how friendly and helpful the support guy I talked to was. His name was Joseph and he gets 2 thumbs up from me.

Till next time,
Bon Voyage!


Lo said...

That's AWESOME!! I envy...

Stephanie Sabbe said...

I did not know Kindles got sick:( so sad!! sorry I never posted your giveaway!! I'm the worst. I didn't realize you were drawing so soon.

Sarah :) said...

It's so great they replaced it!!! Go Amazon. :)